
    Gisterenavond schoof ik aan bij Kirsten Jassies en haar Podcast over Social Media. Om een uurtje te praten over Mastodon, Indieweb, Enshittification en Public Spaces. Voor mij was veel gesneden koek, misschien was het soms té gesneden koek. Zo’n interview leert me weer dat veel concepten zoals decentralisatie en eigenaarschap over je eigen domein niet voor iedereen logische concepten zijn. We zijn door de jaren heen zo gewoon geraakt om gecentraliseerde diensten te gebruiken, dat we ons gedrag er op aanpassen. Om dan een ander verhaal te horen, ik kan me voorstellen dat het wat kan duizelen. Dus alvast bij voorbaat mijn excuses aan de toekomstige luisteraar als het je na een uur danst voor je ogen.

    Two people sit at a table with podcast microphones a laptop and a drink can in an indoor space adorned with plants and a mirror. There is text on the laptop screen.

    De podcast staat nog niet live, ik verwacht ergens binnen nu en een paar dagen er naar te kunnen linken. Sowieso zal de aflevering live gaan voor de Public Spaces Conference en de Europese Verkiezingen, omdat we beiden promoten in ons verhaal!

    (Met dank aan Johan Rompelberg voor de foto en geluidsopname!)

    There is now AI in my terminal. I am not quite sure yet how I feel about this…. An iTerm2 update notification appears onscreen displaying release notes."

    Right now I am testing some LLM’s that have trainingsets specifically for the Dutch language. I can test them offline, on my own machine in the terminal. It’s extremely easy to try and test these models. And after some digging, I found the dataset on which it is based. The Gigacorpus with Dutch forumposts, books, law-texts, Wikipedia etcetera. It’s fascinating to see how so many researchers and enthousiasts are working on AI models that are private, local and open source. What a difference with the ongoing and growing hype we see with OpenAI and Californian Big Tech…

    Terminal with a black background displaying a command promt

    The last days I’ve been testing Ollama, an open source app to run Large Language Models offline on your own (beefy) machine, together with the OpenWebUI frontend. See this explanation for a deeper dive in the possibilities. To have an AI fully offline, without any information you provide it leaving your own machine is very interesting to me. It is also a way to test different models, and to explore the potential to make your own model. And yes, I have already made a Deep Thought model, a simulation of the supercomputer from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” And yes, it is funny.

    Ik heb het hoofdlijnenakkoord met een eenvoudige prompt door ChatGPT laten omzetten in kernpunten. Met de vraag om vooral aandacht te hebben voor de digitale samenleving, mediawijsheid en digitale cultuur. Maar zo in het antwoord te zien is het de angst die regeert.

    Ik ga het later zelf nog eens goed lezen en kijken hoe deze samenvatting stand houdt. Nu eerst gewoon gaan werken…

    On my day off I did what I wanted to do. Build robots out of old stuff. It’s a fun way to keep myself entertained and learn kitbashing along the way. The final result will be up in a few days.

    A disassembled toy with green face and blue body is held, exposing electronic components and wooden limbs attached with beads. It's atop a cluttered work desk.A hand holds a partially disassembled toy robot revealing its internal electronic components on a table with crafting tools.

    Pearl Jam is on tour again and of course there are tons of fans livestreaming every show. I’m watching them play live in Portland right now thanks to Instagram. While our cat Bowie has his morning nap Eddie Vedder belches out the lyrics to Do the Evolution.

    I’m ahead, I’m a man. I’m the first mammal to wear pants, yeah

    A cat sleeps on a yellow couch cushion beside a smartphone displaying a live concert while a bookshelf and drumkit are in the background.

    Een kleine stap brengt veel vooruit.

    Een six word story, iets dat me de laatste twee weken bezighoudt. Binnen ons team van Kaliber Studio oefenen we met dit format. Eén van ons geeft op donderdag een prompt of thema, de maandag er op delen we onze Six Word Stories bij de start van ons wekelijks overleg.

    Ik was daarom blij verrast om te zien dat Remco van den Akker een verwoed Six Word Story schrijver is! Ik ontmoette Remco online, omdat ik op zoek was naar een goede lamp bij mijn tweede scherm. Hij heeft me daar uitstekend mee geholpen en we raakten aan de praat over bloggen. Hij wilde al een tijd zijn blog starten, had al wel wat staan maar wist niet goed hoe verder. Ik lees zojuist dat mijn tips hem dat zetje hebben gegeven om daadwerkelijk te publiceren. Daarom speciaal voor hem deze Six Word Story! Het maakt me blij dat ik door kleine zetjes iemand vooruit kan helpen. Vooral als het gaat om online publiceren en je eigenaarschap online omarmen.

    Die tips zou ik weer eens als blogpost moeten delen. Ik heb in het verleden genoeg van dat soort posts geschreven. Hier een voorbeeld. Vooruit, nog eentje dan. Ik kan er inmiddels wel een mooie verzameling van maken. Maar eerst ga ik van een zonnig weekend genieten en Remco’s Six Word Stories lezen!

    It turns out my idea how to add a stylesheet to my RSS feed was right. Now I need to get it working. I think I have all the elements in place, yet somehow the feed doesn’t show any other styling or new elements I added to the template.

    A screenshot shows XML code for an RSS feed template with tags defining metadata such as title, link, and language, displayed on a computer interface.

    Maybe I should add a new post to have the underlying machines create a new feed where it will use my new template. So that’s what this post is, next to a small update.

    Added this to the public micro.blog forum, but perhaps I can find help here as well: In accordance to the idea to make an RSS feed more pleasing to the eye, I want to add an XSL stylesheet to my feed. I use the Tiny Theme. What would be the best way to do this? Should I create a copy of layouts/_default/rss.xml and add the reference to the XSL stylesheet in there? And how would I create a XSL stylesheet in the directory structure? Is this also like layouts/_default/rss.xsl or could this better be static/css/rss.xsl?

    Just browsing through my bookmarks and I came across Phanpy.social, a nice client for Mastodon. I like their catch-up functionality where you can filter and tweak what you want to see from your timeline at any given moment. It also has some great shortcuts to browse through the timeline by just using your keyboard. They instantly feel familiair to me.

    A digital screen displays article previews with images, in a social media-style interface, featuring news from different sources against a blue gradient background.

    I took the plunge and decided to give the Arc browser another try. It is such a different way of browsing the web and working on the web. But it is enticing. I feel like I can do more by just using another browser.

    Als de sterren en het verkeer op de A10 mij gunstig zijn, ben ik vanmiddag bij het jaarlijkse Staat van het Internet event van de Waag Futurelab. Dit jaar geeft Kim van Sparrentak de lezing, zij is lid van het Europees Parlement. Zij was onder meer betrokken bij de AI Act, het initiatiefvoorstel over ‘verslavend ontwerp van online diensten’ en maakt ze zich hard voor het terugdringen van de macht van Big Tech door de ontwikkeling van wet- en regelgeving. Ik zie uit naar de lezing, het aansluitende panelgesprek en mogelijk interessante ontmoetingen naderhand.

    Here are two subjects I haven’t thought of they would collide…

    I will be speaking about Artificial Intelligence in origami at FoldFest 2024, an online origami convention organized by OrigamiUSA.

    Thanks to the indieblog.page “Get me a random personal blogpost” link you can find more gems like these!

    Orange sign reads Begin vrijmarkt with a canal, parked bicycles, and buildings in the background on a sunny day.

    This afternoon the inner city of Utrecht slowly turns orange when the annual King’s Night starts. In and around the center of Utrecht there are parties and we have what is called the Vrijmarkt, which loosely translates to “Sell the trash from your attic and shed in front of our house”-market. These parties and the self-proclaimed street-entrepreneurship naturally transcends into the King’s Day festivities which will happen tomorrow. Not only in Utrecht but throughout the whole country. I don’t have any warm connection to our monarchy or the ceremonial traditions it tries to represent. But I find the orange-clad crowds partying in the streets, the young salespeople finding a quick buck a nice way to spend the day off.

    A bustling street market with numerous people browsing stalls against a backdrop of townhouses under a cloudy sky.

    My wife and I had a small walk through some of the streets where you can buy any old vinyl, half-broken toys, shady “second-hand” bikes, questionable “vintage” jewelry and other knick-knacks. I had the idea to find a small collection of toys and assorted plastic junk I could use to kitbash some new monsters and robots together.

    Alas, no luck during the small walk tonight. We might try again tomorrow, when we will visit the terrain of the University College around the corner. There will be foodtrucks and again a children’s Vrijmarkt. But we will start King’s Day with at least one tradition at home: the orange Tompouce! A Dutch pastry that consists of two layers of crispy puff pastry with an airy, creamy filling in between, topped with a sweet orange glaze. Maybe more pictures tomorrow…

    A stylized illustration of a campfire with two logs and a flame containing a star above the logs, text reads Micro Camp.

    On May 17th there will be the annual Micro Camp. A virtual gathering of and by the Micro.blog community. I look forward to be present this year! When I look at the impressions of previous years, it’s quite an event with lots of talks and connections. Nice!

    I am currently listening to part three of the five-part trilogy of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And yet again I am highly amused at the great quotes and incredibly clever oneliners in the story. How the guide explains the art of flying once again has me giggling on my morning walk through the city center. People looked puzzled as I walked by with a daft grin as I listened to “There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. … Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that presents the difficulties.

    And yes, there is a full The Hitchhiker’s Wiki entry on the art of flying. Because of course.

    Ik heb mijn About-pagina aangevuld met podcasts waar ik te gast was. Vooral om te praten over indieweb en decentrale sociale netwerken.

    Cory Doctorow’s linkdump of today is so dense with great quotes and stories, it’ll keep you clicking and learning a full day.

    Enshittification came to the ISP business early and hit it hard. The cartel that controls your access to the internet today is a billion light-years away from the principled technologists who invented the industry with an ethos of care, access and fairness. Today’s ISPs are bitterly opposed to Net Neutrality, the straightforward proposition that if you request some data, your ISP should send it to you as quickly and reliably as it can.

    From the birth of ISP’s to AI snake-oil and giraffology. Happy sunday!

    Patti Astor, who co-founded the renowned Fun Gallery in New York City, has passed away at the age of 74. She was known for her advocacy of graffiti and street art as legitimate forms of art, as well as for her involvement in the influential film Wild Style. In 2014 I received an autographed copy of her biography. Filled back to back with great photographs of her life in the hip-hop scene.

    A woman poses with one hand on her hip against a graffiti backdrop. Text reads FUN GALLERY…the true story BY PATTI ASTOR. Three people pose in front of a colorful graffiti wall with the words WILD STYLE written. The man in the center wears a red jacket and a cap. Text in Japanese is overlaid. A page with a title FUN GALLERY... THE TRUE STORY by Patti Astor. Below, a handwritten signature in pink ink reads xx Patti Astor with 2014 flanked by asterisks.

    The STRAAT museum in Amsterdam is a continuation of the vision Patti Astor had, to show how graffiti is a legitimate form of art. If you have the chance to visit this incredible museum, you will not regret it. See my own (Dutch) review in the archives…

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