Updated 4 september 2024

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers and answers a very simple question:

What’s life like these days?


It has been 5 months since the last update on this page. Not because nothing happened, but because maybe a lot happened. Or a little bit of everything. Life doesn’t stand still. I am now under medical supervision for my PSCwith another MDL doctor in Amsterdam. This man is the Michael Jordan of PSC research you might say…. Thanks to him I have new medication, which is bringing my fatigue down firmly, a very nice result. The blood values are also heading in the right direction. Helena is still looking for a job and, in this market, this is proving better some times than others. Tess unfortunately failed her VWO exam and is starting her 6 VWO through Volwassenonderwijs (Adult education) in Utrecht next week. This way she only has to do 4 classes instead of the whole curriculum. Hopefully this will give her the spare time she so desperately needs and deserves. She has worked so hard in the last year but unfortunately it was not rewarded with a graduation. We keep our fingers crossed for a happy ending in 2025! Finn finally started in 8th grade. He is thriving and having a great time at school. We didn’t make any big trips this vacation. We spent a week at friends’ house in Haarlem, we made some trips to pool and amusement park. The big trip will (hopefully) come with the holidays in December.


I have been working hard this summer. Unfortunately, not always with the desired results. There are some struggles with the team, the projects we land are great to work on, but they fall short of the goals we have set as an agency. That is unfortunate and I really have to put in a maximum effort to turn the tide. This means going to the drawing board and making renewed plans on how to do this in the coming months.


I spent the summer resting for the most part. I did not worry too much about whether I read and spend time on hobbies enough. Just a quiet evening with a simple movie or series is equally enjoyable. I start tai chi again next week with my old instructor, where I first started back in 2003. Tai chi is a sport or exercise technique that I keep coming back to because it gives me so much peace and balance. The underlying philosophy of Taoism has also been fascinating me for some time, I try to devote some time to that every now and then. My chess game with Oskar is on the back burner. Miniature building, it’s too hot for that this summer. And beyond that? I take some walks, I’m trying to pick up running again. I want to keep the right balance of rest and exercise.

This page is part of the ’now page’ movement.