- Mastodon: A lot of talk about how SXSW has changed and isn’t the festival it used to be
- Bluesky: Discussions mainly about the movie events
- Micro.blog: Zero current search results
The fine people at Neatnik keep coming with cool stuff. Next to the omg.lol universe, this summer we will see web1.land. I love the domainname. I love their explanation:
Web 1 Land is a place for people who remember and love the best parts of the web–or people who missed that era and want to experience it today. It’s a place where you can have fun writing HTML without the overhead of today’s “modern” content publishing ecosystems. A place where you can be yourself, do your thing, and make your web pages.
I love reading the latest P&B with Sara Joy. Her blogging adventures are filled with relatable stories and I really enjoy her recommendations of other blogs and sites. The whole series of People and Blogs is worth a read by the way!
De tweede Dungeons and Dragons quest met het hele gezin was weer de moeite waard. We zijn veilig in het stadje Phandalin aangekomen. Om daarna samen met zoonlief in de Stonehill Inn een bar-brawl te starten met vier oude vijanden. We konden het niet laten. Vrouw en dochter keken ons hoofdschuddend aan vanaf de tafel, terwijl we bijna het onderspit delfden. Gelukkig schoten ze ons toch te hulp. Nu is het weer tijd om uit te rusten en daarna op zoek te gaan naar de leider van de lokale Redbrands bende…

Irene en Karin ken ik inmiddels al jaren uit de Nederlandse weblogwereld. Zij zijn recent het platform Rocktheblog gestart, een blog over bloggen. Met advies voor zowel beginners als de ervaren bloggers. Ik kreeg een aantal leuke vragen voorgeschoteld over mijn drijfveren, inspiratie en bloggeschiedenis voor een artikel op de site. KLIK!
Voor de weblog-geschiedschrijvers onder u, ik heb mijn weblog-geschiedenis eens op een rij gezet. Van 2000 tot nu. Alle titels, alle URLs.
Zin in de dag! Vandaag spelen we het tweede hoofdstuk van het Dungeons and Dragons avontuur waar we in februari mee begonnen. Het complete gezin speelt mee, en ik ben benieuwd welk avontuur we vandaag beleven. Finn (12) telde de dagen al af tot vandaag, hij heeft enorm veel zin om weer in zijn rol te kruipen. Vanavond gaan we naar The Gaslight Anthem. De band zag ik voor het laatst in 2009 (denk ik?) en leadzanger Brian Fallon zagen we in 2016 nog eens op Lowlands. En de zon schijnt! Wat een dag, nu al!
Blogrolls are on a roll! (I know, I’ll see myself out…) Even de OG Blogfather Dave Winer now has a blogroll on his homepage and started a dedicated site blogroll.social for a fresh look on blogrolls. I like where this is going!
Jim Nielsen’s short manifesto professes his love to the hyperlink
Interconnectedness is the whole point. Links form the whole. Without links, there is no whole. No links means no web, only silos. Isolation.
It reminds me of an earlier post by Adrian Roselli about the beauty of hyperlinks
They represent the ideal of a democratized information system.
Which leads me invariably to the classic from The Cluetrain Manifesto:
Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy
This is what lead me to the web in the first place. The possibility to link to anything else on the web was an eye-opener to me. It gave me whole new world to explore and find new connections, new people. That’s why blogging and personal sites will always remain important to me. They give the freedom to discover and link on your terms.
What a nice coincidence with the web being 35 years young today!
An update to my previous post about SXSW. There is a good groupblog from a couple of Dutch attendees. It is in Dutch, but Deepl Translate can do wonders for you…
SXSW isn’t all that popular on the social networks I frequent nowadays. The music/film/interactive festival in Austin used to be all over the timelines but not as much this year. At least in the network around me which is still skewed towards digital technology and -marketing. But a quick look just gave me:
Is SXSW still relevant? Or is it now just for three-lettered government agencies recruiting for talent? Which leads to bands cancelling SXSW in protest of these sponsorships, connected to the genocide in Gaza?
Dune: Part Two. What a ride. We watched it yesterday in ScreenX, a panoramic film format with dual-sided, 270-degree screens projected on the walls in a theater. It was an experience. Not only the expanded screen, but the story. The movie. The sound. The visuals. Those 166 minutes flew by. The story of Paul Atreides, still alive and living among the Fremen in the deserts of Arrakis. If there is one movie you should really see in the theatre first, let it be Dune: Part Two.
I love how Colin titles his blogpost “The greatest productivity hack of all time” since it feels clickbaity. But following Colin for a while, I was curious. And not disappointed. The app Structured has a good premise and within two minutes I bought the yearly Pro-version. I look forward to use it and see how it helps me focus more on the tasks at hand.
Oh I love how the site for XOXO Fest 2024 lets you play with the light/dark toggle. Try it for yourself.
Well…here’s another rabbithole for me to get lost in… Child themes for Tiny Theme, made in CSS. Please give me a gallery with examples so I don’t mess up!
I discovered I didn’t change the profile of my Indieweb.social Mastodon account to point to this blog as well. Since Mastodon has built-in verification, I had to add a link to the footer. This gave me a nice introduction in the great microhooks functionality of Tiny Theme by @Mtt
Took a walk to the city for some errands. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining. I felt good and with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as an audiobook I had a good walk. But once doing errands, the crowded streets and noises got to me and left me sitting at a bench at the bus station. Tired and dizzy. The fatigue got to me again. It’s frustrating and I’m constantly learning the hard way how to deal with this disease.
🍿 Time to watch Dune: Part One to make sure I’m ready for Part Two.
Ik lig ziek in bed. Balen. Weer veel last van vermoeidheidsverschijnselen. Dus veel slapen en uitrusten. Maar wel blij dat we kortgeleden een TV met Chromecast hebben aangesloten op de slaapkamer. Zojuist een stukje Night on Earth gezien van Jim Jarmush. Wat een heerlijke film.
I think I’m a background character (NPC as the game parlance goes?) in the Pokemon-cards-unpacking vlog of a supposedly famous Youtuber here at Pokemonkelworld. Since he had all sort of fans and photo-ops afterwards. I am fascinated.