It is great to see all sorts of small blogging platforms popping up. I might have to take the time to create an overview in a post, but for now I want to bring your attention to Gibberish. A blogging app that looks and feels like a messaging app. It’s weird and that’s the point. We text and Whatsapp all the time. But when it comes to blogging, we stare at a blank editing screen like a rabbit in the headlights. The UI of Gibberish tricks you to go into writing mode. Just go. Gibberish is not for everyone and that’s OK. For instance, the maker states:
[…]The smaller the text input field is, the more users are willing to type text in them. Typing in a giant blank screen feels like a chore. But typing in a tiny text field feels effortless.
This goes diametrically what others are saying, like Dave Winer, who wants to eradicate tiny textboxes and have more space to write.
Whatever your flavor, just keep publishing and sharing!
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