
    I totally missed this year’s Aaron Swartz Day which was celebrated last Saturday. With talks ranging from Interop to Anarcho-transhumanist Biohacking, Disinformation and Radical Librarianism. I look forward to some uninterrupted time to watch the talks!

    πŸ“Ί Finally started with The Wire and I understand the praise, just after 4 episodes in season 1 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†

    The Wire poster

    (Post made with Lantern from Robb)

    I have no idea from where this blogpost got into my 20+ Sunday-afternoon-random-tab-extravaganza but Paolo exactly describes how I do my exploring and spelunking on the web. I just click links. From status posts to blogs to “about”-pages. From there to other networks, blogrolls, categories, tags, lists, “side projects”, work-related blogs and so on… It is the best way to discover new stuff on the web.

    Hi @sod, What am I doing wrong? See frankmeeuwsen.com/surprise-…

    Here’s a newsflash you don’t need in these times: β€œMeta is reportedly working on an AI that reads brainwaves” (Source)

    The draft blog post, which started as a small “my first 24 hours on micro.blog” thought, expands into a project description of how I might first refactor and then migrate my 20+ year old WordPress blog archive to this platform. Oh my…

    Reading through a nice mail thread from Oskar with tips on how I could setup my presence here. In the meantime, the house is getting ready for dinner and St Maarten’s Evening. St Maarten (St Martin) is the patron saint of my hometown Utrecht, traditionally there is a processions of children with lanterns (Laternelaufen) who go through the neighbourhood, singing songs and collecting candy.

    Bowie the cat’s first day outside. Freedom awaits!

    First of 5 days off. No big plans, taking some rest and see what we want and can do at the end of the year.

    Browsing in my RSS feeds and I see this post by @jack why he loves orgmode for archiving todos. I can relate. Not that I use orgmode. I try every now and then but I get into config-rabbitholes really quick. But since I’m reviewing several parts of my online life, why not give it a go again?

    Trying @gluon, @icro and the official Micro.blog iOS app to see what sticks for me in both reading and writing. Even though I can also use Drafts as my main canvas.

    Let’s just try to import my WordPress posts from 2022 and see what happens. This new account is still fresh enough to break ;-)

    Currently reading: Whole Earth by John Markoff πŸ“š

    Thanks for backups. I still had a backup-microblog.xml lingering on a drive. Now I’m importing my old posts from micro.blog from 2017-2018. Because why not?

    Finished reading: With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child (With the Light, #1) by Keiko Tobe πŸ“š

    I read this first chapter of the extended manga series some time ago. The story still touches me, about a young family in modern Japan raising a child with autism. In a society where there is little support for autism. The mother does everything possible to give her son a good upbringing and education. There is much ignorance in her environment around autism. Slowly, she meets more like-minded people who accept her son as he is.

    I once found the complete series in a Manga and Anime exhibition in our public library. You can see the size of each volume on the picture below. This exhibition was organized with a local Manga shop who, as I just found out, have gone out of business in 2022.

    More about the series can be found on WikiWand

    The pressure of the first post on a new platform. Even though I was here a few years ago. Now I am back. Let’s see where it takes me.

    That was a first! I was typing the below words on December 5th but hit Publish somewhere around midnight so the serverclock got all dizzy and didn’t know what to do. Ah well just throw an error and see what happens! Maybe this post will fix it like magic…

    It’s done with the black magic from syndicated links, webmentions and some other stuff I still don’t quite understand.

    On the other hand, on my WordPress blog I have a two-way conversation. Reactions, boosts and likes are channeled back to my own domain. On Drummer this is not yet possible (I think?)

    this might even make Drummer more interesting for fast updates I can share on the federated open web.

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