24 years later, I’m still up in the mornin’… I started blogging on this day in 2000 with a link to this page. I changed servers, domains and blogsoftware through all those years, but the posts remain.
After 24 years, I am grateful to see and be part of a personal-publishing renaissance. Most of us learned our lessons with BigTech, can’t trust’em. The digital autonomy (Dutch link) we got when the web started, we lost it along the way and now we’re taking it back. One domain, one blog, one personal homepage at a time.
In those 24 years, my blog has evolved multiple times, yet it is still my place, my digital garden, my Frankopedia. I use it as a search engine for my deteriorating mind. I re-read through my archives every week to find interesting signals in the noise I made over the years. Signals from the past still have a meaning now and in the future. As long as I can relate to my own online history, I keep going. If you want to know more about my blogging years, check the /timeline.

Blog on!