The daunting task of importing 24 years of blogposts
Thanks to a local backup and a rather OK-ish working Wordpress-to-Hugo exporter plugin, I now have 9449 individual markdown posts, clocking in at 17 Mb. My (almost) complete weblog history from the first post on on July 30th 2000 to the last message on Digging the Digital, right before moving domain again.
Now I need to clean up the frontmatter mess in the markdown files from all the WordPress metadata, Post Kinds plugin, tags and categories before I try to import it into Especially the Post Kinds plugin really messed up the way posts are saved in WordPress and it’s next to impossible to get a good export if you’re not a proficient developer (narrator: he’s not). A direct import from WordPress to therefore doesn’t work properly and I need to find a workaround. Not to mention the 2 Gigabyte of uploaded images in all shapes and sizes WordPress by default creates. If you keep everything in the same system and never change domainnames, keep up the good work! It makes future archiving a whole lot easier. I really need to make a plan first and have some sort of offline backup before I sort tweaking and fiddling with my archive.
I really hope to have a clean archive in markdown in a few days time. It should make future life easier. I hope. I wish.
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