The Neverending Story revisited
A song that regularly settles into me like an earworm is Limahl’s “Neverending Story,” from the 1984 film of the same name. I was a 10-year-old kid when I saw the movie in the theater, and I was enchanted. See the trailer and listen to the song for yourself.
Honestly, I don’t quite remember the story exactly, but I do remember the feeling the movie gave me in a dark theater. It was as if I was allowed to walk around in a fairy tale world for 90 minutes. Trolls, giants, and of course, that huge dragon, Falkor, that the protagonist flew around on.

Those scenes with the dragon have always stayed with me. Especially when I first played the game “Space Harrier” in an arcade a year later. It was a game like I had never seen before, where you fly through hysterical neon landscapes to shoot down anything that looks dangerous. Especially the dragon endbosses. It’s no surprise this game was heavily influenced by the movie Neverending Story. I remember my vacation in Zeeland being mostly spent in that dark arcade. All my vacation money went into “Space Harrier.”

Why am I talking about the movie? I saw this poster today. Theater company Het Filiaal is playing the story with the music from the film. I’ve never seen the movie since, and besides the title track, I don’t know the music at all. I’m curious, though. Would it be a nice outing for Christmas? Or would it be like with other, older, music heroes—don’t go there again because it may disappoint? The nostalgic memory in sepia tones needs no update or refreshment. And next year, this movie will be 40 years old. I know for sure we will see so much more of it.
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