How Drummer and interop
Since I was playing around with the Drummer outliner, I thought I’d try to see how the interoperability between and Drummer works.
Well, it works, but I was quite surprised to see how my complete Drummer blog has been transferred to now. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. Maybe I should read the instructions first before just trying stuff (you know me…) but I was under the impression I would only post the latest post from Drummer to It doesn’t. It posts the complete outline you send to it.
In 2021 I wrote a script to send individual Drummer posts to WordPress. Perhaps I could rewrite it for as well. The basics are mostly the same, it’s the endpoint that’s different.
Anyway, it is good to see there are even more possibilities to post on your microblog. Not that you should use them all. I just love a good and diverse ecosystem.
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