Decentralized Knowledge Management and Web3
So here’s the thing. A lot is being said and written about this Web3 thing. A lot of people seem to know what it is. A whole lot more have no clue.
I am somewhat inbetween. That’s why I’m glad with posts like Amit’s “Thoughts on Web3” and Robin Sloan’s “Notes on Web3”.
They give me context, ideas, points of view I might consider exploring
I like to explore this in my own environment, Obsidian.
In Obsidian I can build my own web of thoughts, ideas, connect different sentences, blocks, paragraphs.
And with it, build my own train of thought on this topic. I can build my own topicmap and get a stance on this very important subject (sarcasm not included)
Now…I can link to Amit’s post and Robin’s post. Or I could download a local version in Markdown and import it in my Obsidian.
But why not have some sort of inclusion of Amit’s OPML file of his post in my Obsidian outliner? And have Robin’s posts divided per paragraph in an outliner?
That way I can transclude the interesting blocks, build upon it and expand on their thinking.
Even better, when I want to publish from Obsidian to my own site, it could include the relevant blocks from their post as well
And even alert them with a webmention I posted something about a topic and I linked to them. So they can include my post and build upon it.
Decentralized Knowledge Management!
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