Webmentions on Drummer?
So actually one of the most interesting technologies coming from the Indieweb community is the Webmention. In it’s most simplest terms, it is a way of alerting other writers you have linked to them through the use of a simple protocol. It is even possible to create conversations on multiple domains. Without the need to be on one silo, say Facebook or Twitter. We can all communicate through our own domains and blogs. To me it feels like OPML and Drummer is an ideal candidate for the use of webmentions instead of plain old comments. When I link to another Drummer blog, it could be alerted through an Instant Outliner in it’s own CMS. It can link back to the original, show the link, do whatever is necessary with it. Webmentions and (instant) Outliners feel like a natural fit. But I am not tech-savvy enough to build the connections myself.

The interesting part is not only to find the community on Drummer blogs, but expand beyond that. I could link to my own blog and have it send a Webmention. So I can link back from my blog to this post automatically. Drummer could support webmentions from it’s core or maybe through the use of some scripting and OPML headers. Again, I am not quite sure what is possible, but since there are more people on Drummer blogs that are familiar with the Indieweb buildingblocks, maybe we can build some more?
I started a thread on the Drummer Support Github community to see what’s possible.
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