
    The monthly housekeeping notice that I updated my /NOW page (Both in Dutch and English this time!)

    📚 Ik ben vandaag gestart in De diepst verborgen herinnering van de mens van Mohamed Mbougar Sarr. Dankzij de nieuwsbrief van Ernst-Jan Pfauth kocht ik het boek in een opwelling bij de plaatselijke boekhandel. Ernst-Jan heeft gelijk over de bedwelmende zinnen. Twee prachtige exemplaren die ik nu tegenkwam: “Toeval is slechts een lotsbestemming waar je geen weet van hebt.” en “Het leven is niets anders dan de spatie tussen “kan” en “zijn””

    Every now and again, I just press the Surprise Me button on my site, because well… I like to surprise myself with my past writings. And today I was! I had totally forgotten about this post by @Ron and the short conversation that followed. It’s all still true and I still dig the fury in his words!

    It took me a few years but I finally bit the bullet and bought Things (both iOS and MacOS) with their Black Friday sale. It’s one of the best designed task-apps in the field. I tried and seen almost all big task managers over the years. And I know the success of your productivity comes not from an app but from your own relation with the projects and tasks. Plus your dedication to just do it. I do think a well-thought app helps in the process.

    And yes, I still have a soft spot for the trojan but proven task-methods in orgmode.

    With a night of election results on the TV, reading up on til.tips. I think there are some DNS issues since not all links work yet. (@SimonWoods / @TIL )

    Today it’s Election Day in the Netherlands. We vote for a new government (hopefully…). In my hometown Utrecht you can vote at the concert-venue Tivoli Vredenburg, right next to my hero Mr. Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam. Let’s hope it helps for a more progressive and future-forward government.

    Walking to work this morning, so my back gets more exercise. It’s always nice to get a fresh coffee at my favorite The Village Coffee and Music. Good people, fine coffee and nice music.

    📺 Watching an incredible fun interview by 12 year old Logan from Ireland with punklegend Ian Mackaye (Minor Threat, Fugazi)

    “Punk is defined by one line: ‘Because we said so’”


    Just a small Sunday morning test to see how Drummer and Micro.blog work together. Edit: It just works. Nice.

    Here we are. One year later. Testing all sorts of OPML editors to see if Drummer can help to be a central hub for blogrolls. I think it can…

    Playing around with Feedland.com and OPML. Now that Feedland’s identityserver is WordPress ánd we know Tumblr is betting big on growing small (both are Automattic companies), it’s pretty interesting to see how these small pieces will be loosely joined…

    Today’s plan was to visit Helldorado Festival in Eindhoven. A full day of loud music and good food. Due to the lingering back pain though, it is not wise to be around thousands of head banging, moshpitting and shoulder-slapping rockers. Too bad, I really looked forward to seeing Life of Agony, Peter Pan Speedrock, Prong, Speedmobile and many, many others. I got to sell my tickets, so there’s a silver lining. To get an idea of the festival, check their Instagram page with an after movie of last year’s edition.

    Ik vind het fijn om te lezen dat mijn neef zijn blog net zo gebruikt als ik, writing is thinking out loud en werken met de garagedeur open: Arduino ✕ PlatformIO

    Unfortunately my lower back pain has worsened. I’m laying flat now since I can barely move. On paracetamol and Diclofenac gel for local relief. I hope things are better tomorrow.

    📚 I just finished Ted Chiang’s magnificent Stories of Your Life and Others and I made a new bookshelf “Will re-read” because I have to put this book where it belongs. I want to re-read the stories, especially the ones I read back in April/May. Those stories have faded somewhat from my memory and I want to retrieve them for a proper review on my blog and personal memory. I have not been so impressed with someone’s penmanship in a long time. After reading Exhalation and this book, I am eager to find more comparable stories and authors!

    I have acute back pain since yesterday evening. It really throws me off guard since every movement requires thinking and finding the least painful way. Haven’t had this since 2017 or so. I will try walking and some exercises this afternoon as well.

    I’m reading 📚 Ted Chiang’s bundle of short stories “Stories of your life and others”. I Just finished Seventy-Two Letters and I love how Chiang approaches world building in this story. Very casual yet so intriguing and thought-provoking. Who are recommended authors that write sci-fi in a similar fashion to Chiang?

    This is the obligatory testpost to see if crossposting from Micro.blog to my Mastodon account works.

    That’s it. That’s the post.

    Vuurland (“Fireland”) is an online music-only radiostation by Studio Brussel, with calm, warming and easy indie/alternative songs. It is a perfect background companion for my day off on this autumn day.

    🎶 I just Shazammed the beautiful cover of Goo Goo Dolls’ Iris, by Phoebe Bridgers and Maggie Rogers. It’s a jewel of a song.

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