
    Me, my son and his best friend are at a local Pokemon fair. They talk in tongues right now. I have no clue about V-Max, Shinies, Mystery packs and trading rules. I always find subcultures fascinating and I love to hang out in their small ecosystems, even though I don’t understand how the whole trading system and hierarchy of cardpacks work. Same as with other geek-subcultures, the people here are nice, friendly and positive, regardless of age and experience level.

    Ik ben vandaag gestart in het audioboek van de klassieker 1984. Ik zag de film ooit en nu dus de Nederlandse versie van het audioboek. Ik hoef je niet uit te leggen hoe herkenbaar de verhalen zijn. Maar vooral, hoe ze op alle soorten denkrichtingen, overtuigingen en geloof zijn te leggen.

    I like the new Tiny Theme 2.0 with Microhooks because

    Potential use-cases for this microhook are displaying posts based on category

    Which is something I really want for my blog!

    Vandaag vierden we de 12e verjaardag van Finn. Weer zo’n mijlpaal. Natuurlijk is hij al een flinke tiener, maar ergens is 12 zo’n extra leeftijd. Hij heeft vandaag met 7 vrienden van school en de BSO+ zijn verjaardag extra goed gevierd. We hebben VR games gespeeld, hij heeft een berg Pokemon kaarten en Robux gekregen en natuurlijk hebben we lekker pizza’s gegeten. Nu is het weer stil en heb ik mijn eigen weekend. Wat lezen, schaakles en niks doen. Heerlijk.

    If RSS and an RSS-reader is too much of a hassle for you, try out RSS By Email. Just send the URL you want to subscribe to and you’ll get updates by email. Easy.

    Well… I started my day by messing up some configuration in my iOS feedreader Fiery Feeds. Which connects to my BazQux feedmanagement. Folders and settings are all messed up. I think because I tweaked too much at once in Fiery Feeds. The app has a “restore backup” setting. But I’m always a bit hesitant on these type of actions. When was the last backup? Will I see this first when I click the button? So I know what I have to do today. Because I cannot not care about this. Right?

    I love how a morning coffee and 20 minutes of mindmapping clears the mind. Cat Bowie is added to blur some words.

    Well. Now I want my own booklist on this site to look like this as well. I love this! Also check out Chase’s mothership with some nice meta-blogging about blogging. My favourite genre

    Finished reading: Harlem Shuffle: A Novel by Colson Whitehead 📚

    The day starts with the streets full of snow here in Utrecht. Unfortunately my head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton. The flu has hit me hard after a few days of lingering inside of me. It is time to take a break and rest. Thanks @jean for the nice snail mail I received this week. These small presents really make my day.

    snail mail from micro.blog. A postcard and some stickers

    Finished reading: De diepst verborgen herinnering van de mens (The Most Secret Memory of Man) by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr 📚. It’s not an easy story, with a lot of substories and key players. I like the main premise of the story, on what is “original” in literature. But to be honest, it is not a book I would recommend a lot.

    My Sunday evening is quite chill, thank you very much. Yet, I am in doubt what to do. I can browse through my feedreader and enjoy all the great writings of people I follow (see my blogroll on Feedland), I could write some more blog posts, or just fiddle away in some note-taking apps. As one does for a hobby. Or try to combine the three…

    The newsletter Own Your Web (email/RSS) is once again a treat to read and click through. I love how Mattias collects, curates and creates every issue. A must-read subscription if you believe in a bright future for the open web!

    The astronomy picture of the day is just stunning! I love how the editors add lots of background to the picture, with links to deeper information. In this case, the link underneath the word “enthralling” got me curious. And I love the editors even more now…

    Great news from WordPress. Their Activitypub plugin is updated so “When you respond to comments from the fediverse on your blog, they will now be federated. This allows you to finally engage in (threaded) communication back and forth directly from the comment section of your blog!”

    So this means your WordPress blog increasingly becomes a first class citizen on the fediverse. Which makes it even more interesting to own your own domain, become the captain on your mothership (Dutch blogpost) and find the others.

    Erik geeft een mooi voorbeeld van een homegrown personal feedreader en mastodon client. Om zo weer meer eigenaarschap op je omline consumptie te krijgen. Mooi.

    Our daughter (17) came to me this afternoon and asked “Can I get into the 1Password Family account?” I did a little victory dance in my heart. About a year ago I told her we have a family account she can join to store her passwords, use passwords in shared vaults and make her online life more safe. She wasn’t interested, she had her own solutions like storing passwords in the browser. But I knew she would turn around. It just takes time. I want my kids to be safe offline and online and I do the most to make sure they do. But sometimes you have to let them explore it for themselves instead of directing them. I’m glad it worked out.

    I’m mulling in my brain about a new blogpost. On how I think Obsidian is the more modern successor of Emacs. Based on extensibility, openness, community etc. I still need to think things through. If you have first thoughts on this, let me know!

    Listening to the Tijdloze 100 at Studio Brussel. A nice alternative list of timeless classics, in the alternative/rock genre. Take a look at the incredible independent, open-source website Tijdloze.rocks (if only for the TLD!) for stats and info during broadcast. Right now playing the beautiful Paranoid Android by Radiohead

    Bye bye Threads. I never really got into the network and it became a cesspool overnight.

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