
    One more thing. I have my own blog running on Jekyll at Github pages. Should I use this service to crosspost from here to my blog? Where to start? “Install it like a normal node.js application” is magic to me…

    Saturday morning, coffee and a first draft for my column at Numrush

    A technology predication time capsule by @cdevroe. I like the constraint of mass market adoption in his list. I do miss a prediction of ubiquitous smart home/smart city adoption, since that’s my line of work

    Mighty interesting stuff on Scuttlebutt, a decentralised secure platform. Very inspiring to see how other platforms (like this one) pop up and find a way to exist among the larger ones. With all their quirks and idiosyncracies

    thinking about a column on recent events with indieweb stuff, facebook and the mic-conspiracy, Trump-less Twitter and all that other stuff that’s going on everywhere…

    I truly worry more and more on the state of big networks like Facebook. Articles like this in The Guardian about the newsfeedtests if FB in countries are scary…

    As Ice Cube would say, today was a good day. Started with a run in the park. Did some fun support & community work for Triggi. Had a nice lunch with the missus. Made pizza with and for the kids.

    Time for Stranger Things!

    I’m still figuring out how “owning your own content” helps me to engage on other networks. The startingpoint of IndieWeb always seems to be me starting something. Which is not always the case. I respond, retweet, favorite, build upon. How does that work? #IndieQuestions

    As a keyboard lover and support agent or our app, I’d love to have a better naming-scheme for the various emoji. Instead of typing :wink: and :crying: I’d rather have consistency such as :face-wink: and :face-crying:

    But hey…that’s just me.

    After a brief hiatus I will resume running again tomorrow at 6 AM. Step one: Don’t make me think about my clothes this early. Make sure they’re ready.

    Voor de Nederlandse microbloggers, hier is een blogpost met links naar mijn Numrush columns. Hoe meta wil je het hebben :-)


    this is an interesting project.

    Indieweb: the book. I would read it. Missed it long enough.

    So hey. This is me. Riding the microblog wave for now. Saying hi to @manton to let him know I exist in this space.

    Now what?

    Had this amazing Beer Geek Breakfast by Mikkeler last night. Worth trying out if you run into one!

    Sundays are good for catching up on my RSS-subscriptions (InoReader is my favorite reader of the week, all bow down to the OPML export options to migrate fast)

    Since I work in the IoT/Smart home industry there’s new products and services popping up every other day it seems. Some of my favorites from this morning

    There’s so much to invent in this world….

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