
    Utrecht gets a new central railway station and shopping mall. I drive by every day to get to work and I have to say I am really impressed how it’s gonna turn look.

    I just added a JSON feed to my Jekyll based blog. Took me about five minutes. Without a plugin or difficult configuration. Incredible.

    Diggingthedigital.com/feed.json if you want to add some Dutch blogposts to your media consumption πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Anyone with some Webmention experience here? I have the working someway somehow. But is it possible to delete webmentions from my site? On this post there is a test-webmention I did. Can I delete that? Where?

    Next task: Why doesn’t my site show the Twitter avatars in the webmentions? See diggingthedigital.com/Jim-en-An… as an example…. Euhm… can I webmention @voxpelli somehow from here?

    Well…it turns out I just have to question this stuff, start over again and all of a sudden it works. A combination of Bridgy and webmention.herokuapp.com seems to work. I still need to style everything but the basics work. Not quite sure how but hey…

    How do I send myself a webmention to test if the works?

    Webmentions. I have no idea where to start. I would like to have them on my site (runs on GH pages) instead of Disqus but I can’t figure what steps to take. I check out Bridgy, webmention.io, the jekyll plugin. But I can’t figure it out. I need a Webmention For Dummies!

    Had quite the codefight last night (look at me all rhyming and stuff!) to try a new Jekyll theme. I ended up reading up on Git, Ruby, Bundle and Gem. It’s nice to DIY but it still so far away from hitting it the big league. And I still don’t have a new theme.

    What are your thoughts on webhosting? I currently host my blog at Github Pages which is quite alright. I’ve had some experiences with webhosting and VPS, somehow it can get a hassle with those. Hosting at Amazon? What are your ideas?

    Just to get a different perspective on another network then Twitter: What would be your definition of a blog? What elements would that definition hold? Is a blog pure txt/img? Is Instagram a blog? Snapchat? When does a blog become an online magazine?

    Ik heb geen idee hoeveel Nederlanders hier zijn (10? 15?) Maar voor jullie heb ik wat uitleg geschreven over de #indieweb termen POSSE en PESOS.

    Sorry non-Dutchies. I think Google Translate will be your friend reading what I wrote

    Wow…this new Firefox is fast…

    Can anyone explain to me if there is a difference between webmentions and pingbacks? It feels the same to me. Old technology, new funky name.

    For the Dutch microbloggers, here’s my readinglist for week 45. Of course with some IndieWeb references like @c and @colinwalker


    How nice to still be able to add Medium posts with specific tags as a RSS feed in Inoreader.

    Great post on Mondo2000 on a watch It’s this 7B2 wristwatch, though, that wins my most favor. It’s an analog, single-use tool in a digital world. […] unlike my phone, it never watches me watch it.

    Monday. Another day at the office at Triggi. I hope to feel better later today. Time for some community management now!

    For the Dutch out here, a small observation of my first encounter with the Micropub protocol. I’m still puzzled to know what is going wrong…

    Currently reading “Against an Increasingly User-Hostile Web”

    “The major websites of today’s web are not built for the visitor, but as means of using her. "

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I am of age to rather leave a good party early to hang out at home until late. Than stay at said party until late. I’d have my couch win over a barstool every time. I also have better beer at home.

    Insert old-man-whining.gif

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