Blogging Years
I have been blogging since 2000 on various domains and with various blogging software. Here is an attempt at an overview of my blogging years. I had leave out all the guest posts on all kinds of blogs. Simply because I can’t remember them all…
2000 - 2005 My first blog. It first had another domain, something with… Exactly 5 years I “only” blogged there but those years changed everything for me. I found blogging as my way to publish on this nascent medium called The Internet and I would never look back. I went from Blogger to Movable Type to Pivot as a blogging platform. Fortunately, there is still a Web Archive link
2002 - 2009 Frank-ly. The agency blog of Rhinofly, now Kaliber, where I still work. At the time, it was the first agency blog in the Netherlands. After I left, it continued for a few years but unfortunately it is no longer live. It would probably now have the hip domain name By the way, here is my infamous post where I write off Twitter in 2006. I’ve rarely been more wrong than then….
2004-2008 Whatsthenextaction. My English-language blog on the Getting Things Done methodology. The blog was a forerunner in productivity blogs, lifehacks and list posts when I see the popular posts in the sidebar. I once made it to CNN and Time Magazine with this blog. Web Archive Link.
2009 - 2013 The Incredible Adventure. The blog at my freelance business. Due to a crash in the WordPress installation, quite a bit of this was lost. I must still have a backup on a hard disk somewhere. Until I feel like restoring it, the Wayback Machine is doing its job well 🙂
2007-2015 Lifehacking. With a growing group of authors, we made this term commonplace in the Netherlands. What started as a hobby project I tried to turn into a healthy online and offline publication. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. Since 2015, the site and the posts are no longer under my ownership. And to be honest, the site is pretty much a shitshow now.
2010-2012 A short-lived link dump blog I kept on Posterous and Tumblr. I didn’t write there very frequently and it was mainly a kind of notepad for digital trends and loose hypes that came along… It remains a beautiful domain name.
2014-2015 When I was Evernote Business Certified Consultant, this blog allowed me to boost my influencer status nicely and was a nice business card for my work. For the search engines, of course, it was wonderful niche content around Evernote. I transferred the blog to Github but that (too) crashed. I need to fix it. Until then > Wayback machine!
2014-2023 I started sporadically on the then-new Ghost platform. For a while I tried Github Pages using Jekyll as a static site generator. I did then start writing as platform-free as possible. I wrote everything in Markdown, a flexible writing language for the web. This gave me the freedom to choose another blog platform at some point without (hopefully) too much conversion hassle. I did however flip to WordPress and tried to make the site as Indieweb-compatible as possible.
2023 - present No more difficult titles (for now), just my name in the URL. Simple. On Digging the Digital, I switched from Ghost to Github to WordPress. But WordPress became too heavy and too much for me. I wanted to get back to the basics of blogging, writing. Simple pieces of typing and not too difficult with themes, plugins and formatting. Voila. I want to put my WordPress archive (which is now the complete archive of my blog history) back together here. Think of that as a long-term project. “When I have a quiet time”….